Maggio 1, 2020

Argomento: Staff

#IoRestoErasmus, perché Erasmus non si ferma!

The COVID-19 outbreak negatively affects ongoing or planned activities under the Erasmus+ programme but thanks to the distance learning our “outgoing” students are still studying abroad, as well as the “incoming” students from S. Petersburg who are still studying in Trapani, all of them in their rooms.

Like other institutions, the Conservatory of Trapani, under the guidance of the director Walter Roccaro, has promptely replied to the different pedagocial needs of the students stimulating the smart working and the online lessons through different platforms.

Between the courses, all the theoretical subjects have been disasdvantaged compared with the instrumentals. Especially the ensembles classes have faced more difficulties but through the creativity of our teachers the students are carrying on all the lessons.

The Conservatory has also proposed on its offical web page a series of home productions named Share Your Music (#shareyoutmusictp). Students and teachers have stimulated their creativity offering different kind of performances.

Aldo Popolano, Siviglia, con la sua chitarra alla finestra
